No, it is not a question of taking your Kokko to the park, the beach or the mountains, but of preparing your picnic at the barbecue. Exit, the classic pasta or rice salads, ham-butter sandwiches and the packet of crisps, it's time to make the picnic more gourmet. Our ideas for an amazing barbecue picnic!
Rules for preparing a barbecue picnic
Picnic and barbecue: two attractive programmes for the summer. How about bringing them together? They are as friendly as each other and provide an opportunity to spend a good time with family and friends in the open air. Of course, picnics are practical. When planning your menu, three basic things should be taken into consideration: the takeaway dishes should be simple to eat - forget the cutlery and plates and just use a paper napkin - easy to carry and delicious cold.
Indeed, it is difficult to warm up your meal in the middle of nature! And good news, when preparing your picnic at Kokko, you are sure to respect these 3 golden rules. But then, what's good to prepare for your barbecue picnic?
Barbecue pizzas to share
Picnicking is a convivial moment, so why not focus on shared dishes? We leave aside the traditional quiche and impress our friends by making pizzas on the barbecue. Whole or cut into slices, they are easy to transport - preferably in glass containers - are easy to eat and are always as tasty warm or cold, not forgetting that they appeal to young and old alike! Thanks to the Kokko andthe ceramic pizza stone, you will get a perfect "wood oven" style cooking in only a few minutes.
To inspire you in your creations, here are some of our barbecue pizza recipes. Always remember to garnish them with seasonal products!
What barbecue lovers like is without a doubt this special taste of grilling and smoking, so why deprive yourself of it during your picnic? However, once cooled, BBQ preparations may also have lost their softness and become dry. To avoid this, simply opt for indirect cooking when preparing a BBQ picnic as in the tradition of the Argentinean Asado or American BBQ.
To guide you through the slow cooking process, follow the advice of Jacky, a great Kokko lover, who has given us all his tips! This less aggressive cooking method will allow your meats to keep all their juices and remain tender, even when cold.
Skewers on the barbecue for an easy-to-eat picnic
Cook your food slowly on the barbecue for a picnic, yes, but what exactly do you do with it? Skewers of course! Apart from the classic sandwich, this is the simplest but also the most hygienic way, since you don't have to touch the food, to eat at a picnic. As tasty hot as they are cold, summer vegetables on skewers will bring freshness to your meal like ourrecipe for sunny vegetable skewers.
On the fish side, which is more delicate and fragile to transport, the good alternative if you feel like a bowl of iodine is to opt for seafood.