The Kokko lover's diary

  • RĂ©ussir le poisson au barbecue
    RĂ©ussir le poisson au barbecue
    9916 Views Liked

    Il n’y a rien de plus alléchant que l’odeur des sardines grillées pour nous transporter instantanément en été ! Riche en vitamines et en oméga-3, le poisson est excellent pour la santé et cuisiné au BBQ, il est irrésistible… À condition d’y aller en douceur et de bien le préparer ! Kokko vous donne ses astuces pour réussir la cuisson du poisson au barbecue à tous les coups.

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  • La tradition du Mookata : le barbecue ThaĂŻlandais
    La tradition du Mookata : le barbecue ThaĂŻlandais
    14857 Views Liked

    Tour du monde du BBQ #5 - En 2020, Kokko se transforme en globe-trotteur et vous propose un « tour du monde du BBQ » pour découvrir l’histoire de la grillade, du fumage, du rôtissage à travers différentes gastronomies. Pour cette cinquième escapade, on met le cap sur la Thaïlande. Enfilez vos gants, faites chauffer le charbon et installez les grilles : c’est parti !

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  • FĂŞte des pères : 3 idĂ©es de menus tout Kokko
    Fête des pères : 3 idées de menus tout Kokko
    4717 Views Liked

    Cette année 2020, la fête des pères aura lieu le dimanche 21 juin, premier jour de l’été mais aussi jour de la fête de la musique. Alors d’accord, vous n’êtes peut-être pas musicien mais en tant que virtuose du Kokko, vous allez surprendre votre papa avec un menu 100% cuisiné du barbecue.

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  • Piquer ou non les saucisses, telle est la question !
    Piquer ou non les saucisses, telle est la question !
    8008 Views Liked

    Une question cruciale même ! Dès que la saison des barbecues est lancée, on retrouve toujours d’un côté les partisans du piquage, de l’autre, les puristes qui éloignent tout ustensile pointu de l’espace de cuisson. Qui a tort, qui a raison ? Inutile de faire durer le suspense plus longtemps, la réponse est non, on ne pique pas les saucisses ! Kokko vous donne tous les arguments pour dire adieu aux disputes autour du BBQ.

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  • Jacky: "The smoky taste in Kokko is amazing!  »
    Jacky: "The smoky taste in Kokko is amazing! »
    14003 Views Liked

    Meeting around Kokko #1: Rendez-vous at Jacky's, 36 years old, who lives in Fleurieux-sur-l'Arbresle in France

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  • The Art of the Argentine Asado
    The Art of the Argentine Asado
    54416 Views Liked

    BBQ World Tour #4 - In 2020, Kokko transforms himself into a globe-trotter and offers you a "BBQ World Tour" to discover the history of grilling, smoking and roasting through different gastronomies. For this fourth stopover, direction South America as we disembark... in Argentina. Put on your gloves, heat the coal and install the grills: let's go!

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  • The 6 commandments to ensure a long life for your Kokko
    The 6 commandments to ensure a long life for your Kokko
    11701 Views Liked

    A healthy Kokko, it's a healthy Kokko, it's a healthy Kokko! Even if they are resistant, if you adopt good habits, these ceramic barbecues will last over time and will stay (almost) as good as new. Discover our 6 commandments.

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  • Cooking the eggs... on the barbecue!
    Cooking the eggs... on the barbecue!
    32914 Views Liked

    Hard, soft, poached, fried, boiled, scrambled, omelette... Eggs can be prepared in a thousand and one ways and you've already explored many of them. But as a barbecue lover, have you tried cooking them on your Kokko? Did you ask for grilled eggs? We'll show you how to make them!

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  • Cooking Whole Chicken Successfully on the BBQ
    Cooking Whole Chicken Successfully on the BBQ
    37982 Views Liked

    If Sunday chicken is an institution for many, when it is barbecued, it is a delight for young and old alike. Between its golden, crispy skin and its soft, juicy flesh, its taste is inimitable! But cooking it in its entirety is tanning for some people, so at Kokko we decided to give you our tips to make sure you don't miss it anymore!

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  • Limit waste: How about reusing leftovers?
    Limit waste: How about reusing leftovers?
    13288 Views Liked

    As you may have noticed, containment and waste don't mix. It's a fact, the less you throw away, the more you avoid going to and from the supermarket. We'll give you our tips on how to avoid throwing anything away with kokko.

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  • The BBQ in complete safety!
    The BBQ in complete safety!
    14118 Views Liked

    The sun and the beautiful days are back, but we're confined so we're always looking for something to do... Wouldn't it be the perfect occasion to have your first barbecue of the year? Certainly, but before getting started, it would be a good idea to review the few rules to follow for a safe BBQ. Here they are!

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  • Seasonal products: what do we eat in the spring?
    Seasonal products: what do we eat in the spring?
    14313 Views Liked

    If you are tired of having your head in the cabbage, if you find pear compote a bit razor sharp and you don't feel like grating Gruyère cheese anymore, it's good timing, spring has arrived and with it, an anthology of new products! Discover the ones to put in your shopping cart.

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  • The Churrasco, the king of the Iberian grill
    The Churrasco, the king of the Iberian grill
    36233 Views Liked

    BBQ World Tour #3 - In 2020, Kokko transforms himself into a globe-trotter and offers you a "BBQ World Tour" to discover the history of grilling, smoking and roasting through different gastronomies. For this third stage, it is in Portugal that we have an appointment. Put on your gloves, heat the coal and install the grills: let's go!

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  • Food and wine pairings for BBQ cooking
    Food and wine pairings for BBQ cooking
    21783 Views Liked

    Although you can barbecue almost anything, you sometimes lack originality when it comes to choosing the wine to accompany your grilled meats. Luckily, Kokko gives you the best associations to know what to bring up from the cellar. To be drunk in moderation of course!

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  • Choosing the right charcoal
    Choosing the right charcoal
    25330 Views Liked

    A poor quality charcoal, which disintegrates quickly and doesn't heat up enough, turns your BBQ party into an impossible mission to grill your food properly. Types of coals, essential criteria to observe, possible risks and how to avoid them? Let's take stock of the situation.

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  • Meat lover vs. vegetarian: reconciliation around the barbecue
    Meat lover vs. vegetarian: reconciliation around the barbecue
    15193 Views Liked

    It's high time to break the preconceived ideas and show all meat lovers that you can also enjoy a vegetarian barbecue. Demonstration with 4 typical BBQ dishes that will make you feel like you're eating (almost) all the same thing!

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  • Yakiniku, Japanese-style barbecue
    Yakiniku, Japanese-style barbecue
    22389 Views Liked

    BBQ World Tour #2 - In 2020, Kokko transforms himself into a globe-trotter and offers you a "BBQ World Tour" to discover the history of grilling, smoking and roasting through different gastronomies. For our second appointment, direction Japan. Put on your gloves, heat the coal and install the grills: let's go!

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  • Food 2020 trends
    Food 2020 trends
    11721 Views Liked

    New year, new decade, and on the kitchen side, the renewal is being felt too. After a month devoted to detox, it's time to get up to speed on the culinary trends that will make 2020.

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  • Smoking with Kokko: instructions for use
    Smoking with Kokko: instructions for use
    20165 Views Liked

    Would you like to bring originality to your dishes? Nothing could be simpler than with a Kokko! How do you do it? By smoking your food ! We explain everything you need to become the king of barbecue smoking.

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  • The BBQ made in USA
    The BBQ made in USA
    32577 Views Liked

    BBQ World Tour #1 - In 2020, Kokko transforms himself into a globe-trotter and offers you a "BBQ World Tour" to discover the history of grilling, smoking and roasting through different gastronomies. For our first stopover, go to the United States. Put on your gloves, heat the coal and install the grills: let's go!

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Showing 21 to 40 of 43 (3 Pages)