• Des menus tout Kokko pour garder la forme
    Des menus tout Kokko pour garder la forme
    4970 Views Liked

    L'hiver a tendance à faire baisser en flèche notre bonne humeur et notre vitalité. Pas question pour autant de se laisser aller ! On a élaboré 3 idées de menus pour faire le plein d’énergie, à cuisiner au Kokko bien entendu ! Et oui vous le savez, grillé, rôti ou fumé, tous les plats sont magnifiés au barbecue !

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  • Produits de saison : On mange quoi de bon en hiver ?
    Produits de saison : On mange quoi de bon en hiver ?
    8041 Views Liked

    L’hiver approche, les jours sont de plus en plus courts et le confinement est toujours d’actualité : 3 bonnes raisons de se requinquer avec des recettes savoureuses ! Le thermomètre étant encore plutôt clément sur l’ensemble de l’hexagone, on en profite pour continuer à cuisiner régulièrement sur son Kokko ! Fruits, légumes, fromages, poisson : on mange quoi de bon en décembre ?

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  • Controlling indirect cooking
    Controlling indirect cooking
    23204 Views Liked

    We agree, the barbecue sublimates everything it cooks thanks to the grilled taste it brings to all the food that rubs against the heat of its embers. Unfortunately, they often end up more charred than subtly braised. The cause? Direct cooking that is poorly controlled or unsuitable for the food chosen. The solution? Indirect cooking. We explain how to do it successfully.

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  • The Bulgogi, popular and succulent
    The Bulgogi, popular and succulent
    21717 Views Liked

    BBQ World Tour #7 - In 2020, Kokko transforms into a globe-trotter and offers you a "BBQ World Tour" to discover the history of grilling, smoking and roasting through different gastronomies. For this seventh stage, we set off again on the Asian side, this time in South Korea. Put on your gloves, heat the coal and install the grills: let's go!

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  • Seafood on the BBQ
    Seafood on the BBQ
    19193 Views Liked

    We often tend to eat them cold with a good mayonnaise or homemade aioli and yet seafood is so good cooked... especially on the barbecue! Shrimps, mussels, lobster, squid, scallops: our tips for cooking seafood with Kokko.

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  • Le brunch au Kokko
    Le brunch au Kokko
    6604 Views Liked

    Contraction des mots anglais « breakfast » petit-déjeuner et « lunch » déjeuner, à l’heure du brunch, rien n’est interdit ! Sucré, salé, charcuterie, fromage, gâteaux, jus de fruits et même champagne (avec modération !) : un seul mot d’ordre, se faire plaisir. Pour le réinventer et découvrir de nouvelles saveurs, on vous propose de le cuisiner entièrement au Kokko. Mode d’emploi du brunch au barbecue.

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  • The Braai Ritual, the South African Barbecue
    The Braai Ritual, the South African Barbecue
    41815 Views Liked

    BBQ World Tour #6 - In 2020, Kokko becomes a globe-trotter and offers you a "BBQ World Tour" to discover the history of grilling, smoking and roasting through different gastronomies. For this sixth stage, we take you to South Africa. Put on your gloves, heat the coal and install the grills: let's go!

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  • Preparing a barbecue picnic
    Preparing a barbecue picnic
    17376 Views Liked

    No, it is not a question of taking your Kokko to the park, the beach or the mountains, but of preparing your picnic at the barbecue. Exit, the classic pasta or rice salads, ham-butter sandwiches and the packet of crisps, it's time to make the picnic more gourmet. Our ideas for an amazing barbecue picnic!

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  • With which dishes should you accompany your summer grills?
    With which dishes should you accompany your summer grills?
    14403 Views Liked

    Do you feel like a fresh and light accompaniment to your grilled meats, but you're running out of ideas? Barbecues follow one another and look alike? We share with you our ideas for summer grill accompaniments that will delight you.

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  • Seasonal products: what do we eat in summer?
    Seasonal products: what do we eat in summer?
    16065 Views Liked

    Good news, summer has arrived! You can smell the fragrances of these good colourful vegetables, the sweet taste of these fruits that have ripened in the sun, these fresh fish just grilled on Kokko and these delicious cheeses with a strong taste... Here is the list of good summer products to put in your basket.

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Showing 11 to 20 of 253 (26 Pages)